We know that practitioners working in health & social care, education, criminal justice and the emergency services, are all at risk of professional trauma and fatigue.
We also know how to help.
We offer a wide range of cost-effective live training, webinars and e-learning courses to support you, as an organisation, a manager or an individual practitioner.
Our training content is based on thorough, extensive, continued research across sectors alongside our own research, expertise, experience and knowledge of professional trauma and fatigue.
We look at the risks, the remedies, and the rewards, of working with and supporting others.
Our customers include:
Midland Partnership Foundation Trust. Social Work Learning Academy
Developing Together Social Work Teaching Partnership. Twickenham
Cheshire & Merseyside Social Work Teaching Partnership
Warwickshire County Council
Stoke on Trent City Council
Leicestershire County Council
Staffordshire University
Knowsley Council

We believe that an informed, prepared and supported workforce, is vital to efficient effective human services provision. We are passionate about empowering professionals to achieve this for themselves and others.
Our current training portfolio is shown below, please click for course outlines and details. Please contact for bespoke packages.

The Risks
‘Professional Trauma and Fatigue’.
Exploring why, what and how supporting others can impact us as professionals, and as volunteers working in social care, health, education and any role focussed on supporting others.
Live Training
For more information on our training courses, please contact us today on info@selfcarepsychology.com and one of our team will be back in touch as soon as possible.

The Remedies
‘The Five Pillars of Protection’.
Our own theoretical model looks at the five individual but coexisting pillars, Awareness, Supervision, Peer Support, Trauma Informed Practice and Self Care and how they can buffer the risks of professional trauma and fatigue.
Live Training
For more information on our training courses, please contact us today on info@selfcarepsychology.com and one of our team will be back in touch as soon as possible.
Find out more about the "5 Pillars of Protection" here

The Rewards
We continue to overlook the psychology, theory and science which provides powerful evidence demonstrating how the work that we do, can positively support our wellbeing, specifically because we work with others.
Exploring and understanding these concepts help us to recognise, harness and share the underappreciated benefits of supporting people.
Live Training
For more information on our training courses, please contact us today on info@selfcarepsychology.com and one of our team will be back in touch as soon as possible.

Our Ethos
A collectively informed and empowered workforce feels more able to continue to do the job they love.
Feeling heard and prepared for our role is vital to efficient effective human service provision.
We do not believe that it is ok to place all the responsibility for workplace wellbeing onto the practitioner, we all have a part to play.
It is only a change in a culture, through building relationships in the working environment that will support us to look after ourselves and each other, able to continue to do the jobs that we do.
Below are some of the organisations that we proudly support, to support their practitioners


"I've developed an understanding of terminology, but MORE importantly how to look after myself and prioritise this"
Student. Hospital Team

"Excellent facilitation skills, one of the best management courses I have ever been on in 35 years!"
Manager. Social Work Team.

"I can honestly say I have loved every element of this course useful, relatable and a whole support network in itself"
Social Worker.
Want to contact us at SelfCare Psychology?
Please fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we're able.